Let's get your property on the market!

Listing with us is easy and FREE!

Listing your Pattaya property for sale or rent with expatestates.com is entirely free. Once your property is listed with us, we will take care of finding buyers and tenants for you.

Just fill out the form below with the relevant information and we’ll get back to you ASAP!

Step 1: Basic details.

Fill out of the form and include basic details such as project, price, size, floor, and ownership.

Step 2: Images.

Provide us with some images. Don't worry, it won't get too technical; If you don't upload any images, we will contact you about how best to send us the images to make it easiest for you!

We will also come out to your property and take free professional images and a virtual tour to help make your listing stand out.

Step 3: Get Listed.

Once we have the basic details and some high quality photos, we'll list your property and get it on the market!

Foreign Ownership Quota (only for sales):

Get in touch

Please contact us using this form and we will get back to you very shortly.
